With the aim of incorporating the circular economy as a key element to favour the change towards a sustainable development model and focused on plastic materials in particular, the Forum will approach this aspect from a double perspective: firstly, it will analyse the trends in R&D related to the recycling of plastics, and secondly, it will deal with the latest developments in the regulatory context. Representatives from the industrial sector and research organisations will explain the impact and the strategies to be followed in order to create a successful economic model for the future.
Date: 27 September
Time: From 9:00 to 18:00
More information: CIDAUT – https://www.cidaut.es/foroec/transformer.action?acc=CARGADETALLE&xml=Ggeneral.xml&ID_MENU=1&ID_SOLICITUD=C6CB0CB5DDBD0238533F0C1AA0B3D1F0FEE76BCE